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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

An Alts Sales Head Embraces Intellectual Capital

Reported by Tommy Fernandez

Salient Partners is opening up the School of Volatility.

MFWire recently reported how Salient is working to bring volatility to the party for investors and how the firm's head of sales David Linton may grow his team by as much as 50 percent.

But how is Linton and company going to educate people on the nuances and complexities of volatility products?

Essentially, they are opening up educational programs, of sorts, designed to help advisors, consultants and their clients up to speed on the usage of volatility products.

Linton had this to say to MFWire recently about his three-pronged approach to intellectual capital:

The delivery of our intellectual capital comes in three forms:
1. The direct one-on-one or face-to-face relationships from the external sales people.
2. Web-based presence. We are building out our web presence to be a tool that will help us create a vertical presence. We can't reach all advisors with the relatively small team we have today. In lieu of hiring 50 to 80 sales people, we are utilizing technology to augment the sales force and also to serve as a virtual presence for the firm, one where we can provide tools for financial advisors that they can go and educate themselves through our white papers, videos, and other mediums. We've created videos of our PMs and our CIO educating potential and existing investors on the status of our investment strategies.
3. Raw marketing and that would be through the proliferation of white papers, newsletters, and marketing materials that we disseminate through the financial advisor community.
He also said connecting online was important.

"First it is wholesaling, then the web-based tools and then the marketing," he said. "We are also launching webinars, and plan to conduct at least quarterly client webinars. Our first webinar is focused on MLPs. I really believe that success in this competitive business requires commitment from all levels of the firm to excellence and to provide a true value-added service." 

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