Stories Published Between 7/1/2022 And 10/1/2022
9/30/2022 |
$14B, 18 ETFs, and 9 MFs In 3 Years
9/30/2022 |
Weekly Net Flows Take a $42B Hit
9/29/2022 |
A 274-Employee Fund Firm Pushes Its Sale Back
9/29/2022 |
An Ex-Fundster CEO Advises a Midwestern Ally to Fundsters
9/28/2022 |
Schwab Leads With $19.9B
9/28/2022 |
Three of the Best Fund Firms For Women In 2022
9/27/2022 |
A New Chief Will Take Over a $3.48T-AUM Firm
9/27/2022 |
11 Fund Firms Close In On These Awards
9/26/2022 |
Net Active Flows Improve By $26B
9/26/2022 |
Week In Preview, September 26 - October 2
9/23/2022 |
A Midwestern Startup Wins Its First Month
9/23/2022 |
Money and Stock Fund Flows Rise $56B In a Week, But ...
9/22/2022 |
An Anti-ESG Startup Wins In August
9/22/2022 |
A 47-Year-Old Firm Reopens an $8.8B Set of Funds
9/21/2022 |
Innovator Leads For a Fifth Month
9/21/2022 |
A Trade Group Wins Big For a Leadership Program
9/20/2022 |
$15B In Inflows In Eight Months
9/20/2022 |
23 Years Later, a $29B-AUM Firm Preps a Reversal
9/19/2022 |
These Firms' Flows Improved By $26B In Two Months
9/19/2022 |
Week In Preview, September 19 - 25
9/16/2022 |
Long-Term Funds Take a $3.7T Hit
9/16/2022 |
Outflows Climb By $8.6B, But ...
9/15/2022 |
A Startup Index Shop POPs Out Its First ETF
9/15/2022 |
$504MM In 21 Months
9/14/2022 |
Coming Soon For a Quant Startup: Hiring, Subadvising, and More ETFs
9/14/2022 |
14 Fund Firms Win Big In NYC
9/13/2022 |
Five Fund Firms Win As Great Fin Services Place to Work In 2022
9/13/2022 |
Fundsters Golf to Support DEI
9/12/2022 |
A U.S. Distro Chief Will Join a $476B-AUM Firm
9/12/2022 |
Week In Preview, September 12 - September 18
9/9/2022 |
A Fund Adoption Gives a $3.2B-AUM Acquirer a New Set of Targets
9/9/2022 |
$96.9B In Outflows and Counting
9/8/2022 |
A $1B-AUM Shop Targets the Crypto Winter
9/8/2022 |
Four Weeks, $319MM In AUM
9/7/2022 |
A Wirehouse Alum Joins a $176B-AUM Firm's Senior Leadership Team
9/7/2022 |
Three Fund Firms Win Praise For Going Above and Beyond
9/6/2022 |
21 Years In, a $220B-AUM Firm's CEO Passes the Reins
9/6/2022 |
Week In Preview, September 6 - September 11
9/2/2022 |
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
9/2/2022 |
Will 2022 Be One Category's Worst Flows Year In Three Decades?
9/1/2022 |
Via Deal 11, a 33-Year-Old Shop Enters the ETF Biz
9/1/2022 |
In 2023, a Fund Watcher Will Combine Two Systems
8/31/2022 |
A Multi-Boutique Moves Out of Startup Phase and Into Running Fast
8/31/2022 |
One Fund, Eight Years, $1B In AUM
8/30/2022 |
A CT Quant Shop Starts With an ETF Triple
8/30/2022 |
The 7 Most Trusted Fund Firms of 2022
8/29/2022 |
A $1.4T-AUM Firm Adds an Agriculture Futures ETF
8/29/2022 |
17 of the Best Employers For Women Fundsters
8/26/2022 |
A $3.5B-AUM Shop Adds a Natural Resources Fund
8/26/2022 |
Long-Term Flows Fall $22B In a Week
8/25/2022 |
A $121B-AUM Firm Debuts Its First Smid Cap Fund
8/25/2022 |
AUM Falls 12 Percent At Traditional AMs
8/24/2022 |
Money Funds Rake In $29B
8/24/2022 |
Two Years In, an ETF Series Crosses $1B In AUM
8/23/2022 |
A $3.2B-AUM Firm Enters the ETF Space
8/23/2022 |
A Biz School Opens a Building Named For a $176B-AUM Firm's Chief
8/22/2022 |
Active Outflows Surpass Passive Inflows By $13B
8/22/2022 |
A Two-Year-Old ETF Family Crosses $100MM
8/19/2022 |
A GA Alt Shop Leads In Inflows Per Fund
8/19/2022 |
Long-Term Inflows Quadruple to $13B
8/18/2022 |
The Smallest Fund Firms' Outflows Nearly Evaporate
8/18/2022 |
A $575B-AUM Firm's Founder Plans a Museum
8/17/2022 |
Small Firms' Net Flows Worsen By $4B
8/17/2022 |
Five Fund Firms Are Among the Top Workplaces of 2022
8/16/2022 |
ProShares Three-Peats, Netting About $3B
8/16/2022 |
Sealing a Deal Boosts a Gotham Firm's AUM to $121B
8/15/2022 |
Schwab's Inflows Triple to $4.605B
8/15/2022 |
A Big Invesco Backer Adds Chips
8/12/2022 |
Outflows Fall By $48B
8/12/2022 |
Stock Fund Inflows Bounce Back to $4B
8/11/2022 |
A Three-Year-Old Multi-Boutique Enters the ETF Biz
8/11/2022 |
A Gotham PM Dies At 42
8/10/2022 |
34 Years In, a Series Trust Gains Its First CEO
8/10/2022 |
So Much For Fundsters' Post-2018 Bonus Gains
8/9/2022 |
What an $81B-AUM Firm's New Chief Is Hunting
8/9/2022 |
A $322B-AUM Firm Will Buy In CT
8/8/2022 |
A $56B-AUM Firm Launches an EM Fund
8/8/2022 |
Week In Preview, August 8 - August 14
8/5/2022 |
As a $299B-AUM Firm's CEO Bids Adieu, a Co-Prez Rises
8/5/2022 |
Bond Fund Flows Rebound to $5B
7/29/2022 |
After 18 Years, a Natixis SVP Passes the Reins
7/29/2022 |
Money Funds Dominate With $6B of Inflows
7/28/2022 |
An EVP Carves His Own Path Post-Pimco
7/28/2022 |
Management Will Take a $45B-AUM Firm Private
7/27/2022 |
Passive Inflows Fall By $42B; Active Outflows Fall By $19B
7/27/2022 |
Rebuffed, a Fund Firm's Would-Be Acquirers Raise a Disclosure Issue
7/26/2022 |
GQG Leads, Yet Industry Outflows Per Fund Rise 54 Percent
7/26/2022 |
With a Deal's Close, a $322B-AUM Firm Gains a Backer
7/25/2022 |
An Abs Return Shop Wins As Micro Flows Barely Sour
7/25/2022 |
Week In Preview, July 25 - July 31
7/22/2022 |
Innovator Threepeats, With $392MM In Inflows
7/22/2022 |
Flows Sour With a $15B, One-Week Swing
7/21/2022 |
ProShares Leads As 17 Percent of Midsize Firms Win Inflows
7/21/2022 |
BlackRock Buys Vanguard. No, Not THAT One!
7/20/2022 |
Large Firms Account For All the Industry's 2022 Net Outflows
7/20/2022 |
MMI Pushes a Conference Back Four Months
7/19/2022 |
Down $2.737T In a Year
7/19/2022 |
A 32-Year-Old Shop Will Sell to a $631B-AUM Firm
7/18/2022 |
A New Analytics Chief Rises At a $1.82T-AUM Firm
7/18/2022 |
Week In Preview, July 18 - July 24
7/15/2022 |
A $40B-AUM Firm Adds Two ETFs
7/15/2022 |
A Gotham Startup Debuts an ETF Octet With a Focused Twist
7/14/2022 |
Coming Soon From an $88B-AUM Multi-Boutique: ETFs
7/14/2022 |
A $203B-AUMS Firm Will Buy a Direct Indexer
7/13/2022 |
An Ex-Hancock ETF Distro Exec Joins an Indexer
7/13/2022 |
Say Goodbye to a Six-Year-Old ETF Brand
7/12/2022 |
A 7-Year Schwab Vet Joins an Alts Shop
7/12/2022 |
A Six-Boutique AM Rebrands, But ...
7/11/2022 |
Two NYL Shops Team Up On Active ETFs
7/11/2022 |
Week In Preview, July 11 - July 17
7/8/2022 |
Long-Term Outflows Fall to $8B
7/8/2022 |
$1.292B Inflows In a Single Quarter
7/7/2022 |
An Ex-Seismic Leader Joins Broadridge
7/7/2022 |
A $42B-AUM Sibling Trio Combines
7/6/2022 |
MMI Builds a Gateway
7/6/2022 |
Six Years, $94B In AUM
7/5/2022 |
Vanguard Hires an 18-Year ICI Vet
7/5/2022 |
A 10-Fund Firm Rebuffs a Buyout Offer
7/1/2022 |
Happy Independence Day Weekend!
7/1/2022 |
A $10.4B-AUM Fund Reopens