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MFWire: iShares [ETFs]
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BlackRock Global Funds Advisors [iShares]
400 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA  94105
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Main Phone: 617-937-5524
Web Site: http://www.barclaysglobal.com/

Mutual Fund Brand(s)
iShares [ETFs]

Research Links
Stock Data: SEC Filings | Yahoo! Quote
  • SEC Fund Filings by CIK

  • Background:
    As of December 31, 2013, iShares had $914 billion AUM.

    During the fourth quarter of 2012, iShares launched the Core Series.

    In October 2012, BlackRock consolidated the iShares and BlackRock sales organizations into one operation.

    On June 11, 2009, Barclays agreed to sell the whole of Barclays Global Investors, including its giant iShares ETF business, to BlackRock [profile] in a cash and stock transaction valued at about $13.5 billion. That offer followed a separate, $4.4-billion private equity bid for iShares alone. BlackRock won, though, and the deal closed on December 1, 2009.

    Barclays formed BGI in 1996 when the bank bought Wells Fargo Nikko Advisers and integrated that business with BZW Investment Management.

    It introduced the first passive index strategy in 1971 and the first quantitative strategy in 1977. In 1996 -- three years after State Street launched the first ETF -- BGI teamed with Morgan Stanley to launch the World Equity Benchmark Shares (WEBS), which track the indexes of Morgan Stanley Capital Management. The WEBS funds were rechristened "iShares MSCI" funds in May 2000.

    See profiles for BlackRock and iShares.
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    Key People:
    Mark Wiedman
    Head of Corporate Strategy, International Operations, and Marketing, BlackRock
    Jennifer Grancio
    Head of Global Business Development, iShares
    Michael Latham
    Member Board of Directors, Goldman Sachs Exchange-Traded Funds
    Marty Beaulieu
    Executive Chairman, Artivest
    Sue Thompson
    EVP, Head of Americas Distribution for SPDR ETFs, State Street Global Advisors
    Noel Archard
    Managing Director and Head of BlackRock Canada, iShares
    Kevin Feldman
    Managing Director, USA & Investment Worldwide, World Gold Council
    Story Archive for BlackRock Global Funds Advisors [iShares]
    Published On Story Headline Publication
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    10/21/2016 Filings for Fundsters - October 21, 2016 MFWire.com
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    10/17/2016 Filings for Fundsters - October 17, 2016 MFWire.com
    10/11/2016 Clark and Vanguard Lead the ETF Strategist Pack MFWire.com
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    7/12/2016 Fundsters Embrace Meta Smart Beta MFWire.com
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    5/16/2016 Seven Months and Counting: Vanguard Is Still On Top MFWire.com
    4/14/2016 DoubleLine, AB, and BlackRock Killed It In March MFWire.com
    3/18/2016 DoubleLine and AB Crush It MFWire.com
    3/17/2016 GSAM and WisdomTree Win Big in the Big Apple MFWire.com
    1/20/2016 iShares, SSgA, and WisdomTree Lead This Pack MFWire.com
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    9/17/2015 12 Fund Firms Suffer More Than $1B In Outflows, Each MFWire.com
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    8/14/2015 SSgA Turns Its Flows Around, In a Big Way MFWire.com
    7/9/2015 These Four Shops Dominate YTD 2015 ETF Inflows MFWire.com
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    3/26/2015 Will Hodge Wear Sunglasses For M*? MFWire.com
    3/20/2015 ProShares and iShares Win Big MFWire.com
    2/17/2015 Vanguard, TCW, and DoubleLine Win January MFWire.com
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    1/14/2015 MetWest and Vanguard Had 2014's Hottest Funds MFWire.com
    12/23/2014 MainStay Lands an Insti Intermediary Channel Chief MFWire.com
    12/12/2014 Vanguard and iShares Have 8 of the 10 Hottest ETFs MFWire.com
    12/4/2014 ETFs Have Already Crushed Their 2013 Record MFWire.com
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    10/31/2013 New York Post Listens to Fink MFWire.com
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    10/7/2013 Gross and Fink Chat it Up at UCLA MFWire.com
    10/4/2013 Fink and Gross Say Standoff Will End Soon MFWire.com
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    10/1/2013 What Did You Do To Make the Treasury So Mad? MFWire.com
    9/26/2013 BNY Hires Former Eaton CMO MFWire.com
    9/26/2013 Reuters Peers at BlackRock's Short-Term Bond ETF MFWire.com
    9/20/2013 ETF Roundup: Godfather of ETFs Goes to Cantor Fitzgerald MFWire.com
    9/16/2013 Conway Sides With iShares Over ETFs' Role in Bond Selloff MFWire.com
    9/10/2013 iShares Expands Its Core By Four MFWire.com
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    8/30/2013 Barron's Talks Up a Few Muni ETFs MFWire.com
    8/29/2013 Judge Tosses BlackRock Compensation Suit MFWire.com
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    8/26/2013 Asset Managers Sound Off On Thursday's Nasdaq Glitch MFWire.com
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    8/16/2013 BlackRock Goes Italian MFWire.com
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    8/9/2013 ETF Roundup: Rick Ferri Isn't a Fan of SEC Ruling MFWire.com
    8/5/2013 ETF Roundup: Barron's Likes Short-Term Bond ETFs MFWire.com
    8/2/2013 ETF Roundup: iShares Registers 14 Active ETFs MFWire.com
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