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MFWire: ALPS Funds [ETFs], Ibbotson, GNI
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SS&C Alps Advisors Inc
1290 Broadway
Suite 1100
Denver, CO  80203
Google Maps

Main Phone: 303-623-2577
Web Site: http://www.alpsfunds.com

Mutual Fund Brand(s)
ALPS Funds [ETFs], Ibbotson, GNI

Research Links
  • SEC Fund Filings by CIK Series

  • Background:
    SS&C Alps Advisors, Inc. is a subsidiary of SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc., a publicly traded technology company that is a key software and back-office ally to a host of financial services firms (including other mutual fund firms).

    Alps' lineup is mostly subadvised. The fund firm offers ETFs, closed-end funds, and traditional, open-end mutual funds.

    Lovell Minnick purchased a majority stake in ALPS in 2005. Then in 2011, DST Systems bought Alps Holdings (which includes Alps Advisors, Alps Fund Services, and Alps Distributors), while keeping the Alps brand identity alive. SS&C bought all of DST (including Alps) in 2018.
    Sponsored Opportunities

    Key People:
    Laton Spahr
    President, Alps Advisors, SS&C Technologies
    Ned Burke
    Troy Duran
    CFO, Growth Leasing LLC
    Bill Parmentier
    CIO, ALPS Distributors
    Brad Swenson
    COO, ALPS Mutual Funds Services, Inc.
    Jeremy May
    President , Alps Mutual Fund Services
    Corey Dillon
    SVP, Director of Advisory Services, ALPS Advisors Inc.
    Rhonda Mills
    Assistant General Counsel, Transamerica
    Kimberly Storms
    SVP, Director of Fund Administration, ALPS Fund Services, Inc.
    Story Archive for SS&C Alps Advisors Inc
    Published On Story Headline Publication
    7/11/2024 A $25B-AUM AM Teams Up For a $310.5MM-AUM Launch MFWire.com
    6/22/2022 A Four-ETF Sale Closes MFWire.com
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    5/20/2019 Fidelity Both Won and Lost Last Month MFWire.com
    2/25/2019 ProShares Wins as Mid-Size Flows Stabilize MFWire.com
    1/22/2019 88 Percent of Midsize Firms Suffered In December MFWire.com
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    5/14/2018 Week In Preview, May 14-20 MFWire.com
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    1/20/2016 iShares, SSgA, and WisdomTree Lead This Pack MFWire.com
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    6/28/2013 ALPS is Ready for the Dog Days MFWire.com
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    12/21/2012 ALPS and Goldman Launch Four ETFs MFWire.com
    12/19/2012 One Shop Dominates the List of Hottest Fund Sectors MFWire.com
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    6/25/2012 Can ETNs Be Too Popular? MFWire.com
    4/17/2012 ALPS Fetches a Fifth ETF MFWire.com
    12/6/2011 Research Affiliates Files Suit Against WisdomTree MFWire.com
    11/2/2011 DST Officially Swallows ALPS MFWire.com
    7/19/2011 A Mutual Fund Service Provider Sells for $250 Million MFWire.com
    5/9/2011 The WSJ Raises Concerns About MLP Funds MFWire.com
    5/3/2011 Strategic Insight Ranks the 25 Fastest-Growing Fund Firms MFWire.com
    3/4/2011 ALPS, Kotak Mahindra Team Up for an India Fund MFWire.com
    9/24/2010 ALPS Takes Another Fund Under its Wing MFWire.com
    8/5/2010 RiverFront to Sub-Advise ALPS' New Funds MFWire.com
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    6/14/2010 ALPS Preps Another ETF For Its Quiver MFWire.com
    5/20/2010 ALPS Scores Two Mandates from a Georgia Fund Firm MFWire.com
    1/21/2010 ALPS Realigns Its Sales Force MFWire.com
    1/20/2010 ALPS Completes its Second Adoption MFWire.com
    11/17/2009 ALPS Teams Up with a Long/Short Specialist MFWire.com
    11/10/2009 An NJ Fund Co Designs Seven Foreign ETFs MFWire.com
    9/22/2009 ALPS Debuts Lucky Number Three ETF MFWire.com
    9/2/2009 ALPS Makes its First Trip to the Adoption Center MFWire.com
    7/9/2009 ALPS Unveils its Second ETF MFWire.com
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