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MFWire: The Olstein Funds
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Olstein Capital Management
4 Manhattanville Road
Purchase, NY 10577
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Main Phone: 914-269-6100
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Mutual Fund Brand(s)
The Olstein Funds
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SEC Fund Filings by CIK
Olstein Capital Management is a very focused, boutique, value shop, with two mutual funds and its founder as chief. Robert Olstein's story begins with co-founding the Quality Earnings Report in 1971. The publication focused on "forensic accounting techniques" for stock analysis. In 1981 Olstein joined Shearson Lehman (which became Smith Barney) as a portfolio manager, putting his stock analysis ideas into practice.
Then in 1995 Olstein founded Olstein & Associates and launched his flagship Olstein Financial Alert Fund. The mutual fund firm employs an "accounting-driven, value-oriented investing philosophy.
Eleven years later, Olstein & Associates transformed into Olstein Capital Management, the Olstein Financial Alert Fund became the Olstein All Cap Value Fund, and the brand new Olstein Strategic Opportunities Fund launched, co-PMed by Olstein and by the new director of research, Eric Heyman. Heyman later became a co-PM for the flagship All-Cap Value Fund, too.
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Key People:
Robert Olstein Chairman and CIO, Olstein Capital Management | Mike Luper President, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer, Olstein Capital Management | Mark Zichelli National Sales Director, Senior Investment Specialist, Olstein Funds, The | Eric Heyman Senior Vice President, Director of Research, The Olstein Funds | Timothy Kang Vice President and Research Analyst, The Olstein Funds | John Sullivan Research Analyst, The Olstein Funds | Richard Vitale Head Trader, The Olstein Funds | James Kimmel Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, Olstein Capital Management | Timothy Emi Senior Vice President, Director of Business Development, Olstein Capital Management |