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Rating:AMG Creates One-Stop Shop for Distribution Not Rated 2.3 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, August 27, 2004

AMG Creates One-Stop Shop for Distribution

by: Theresa Sim

Affiliated Managers Group's distributors will have a single place to go to for AMG's mutual fund and separately managed account products by the end of this year.

AMG is consolidating four distribution units to create a new entity called the Managers Investment Group (MIG). MIG will be responsible for distributing more than 75 investment products to banks, brokerages and other platforms.

"Through Managers, we will bring together the strengths of our collective businesses to expand our product offerings and access new segments of the retail marketplace," stated Nate Dalton, executive vice president of Affiliate Development at AMG.

Spokeswoman Brett Perryman did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

The new group combines technology and sales teams from the Managers Funds; the Portfolio Services Group, a AMG platform for broker-sold separately managed accounts; and Rorer Asset Management, an AMG affiliate specializing in separately managed accounts.

MIG will utilize Rorer's back-office platform called Advantage Outsourcing Solutions.

Bruce Aronow of Rorer Asset Management, Peter Lebovitz of Managers Funds, and John Streur of Portfolio Services Group will head the team of 30 salespeople in offices in Chicago, Norwalk, Philadelphia and San Francisco. 

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