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Rating:Fund Websites Get Customized Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Fund Websites Get Customized

by: Theresa Sim

Think your Google Toolbar is enough? Think again. Fidelity Investments rolled out its own toolbar in the second quarter of this year. The toolbar allows users to receive breaking news, set up alerts, and track and research investments.

The Hartford also added a feature to their intermediary website that allows advisors to customize the features that their assistants have access to, reported DALBAR in its second quarter fund website rankings.

Fidelity and American Century received top honors from a consumer perspective for their websites, while NYLIM and OppenheimerFunds finished in first and second for their sites geared towards professionals.

Fund Webbies
Website Rankings Consumer Financial Professional
1 Fidelity NYLIM MainStay Funds
2 American Century OppenheimerFunds
3 Strong Franklin Templeton
4 Salomon Smith Barney American Funds
5 Franklin Templeton AIM Investments
Source: DALBAR

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