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Rating:Turner Looks to Fill Analyst Vacancy Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, July 22, 2004

Turner Looks to Fill Analyst Vacancy

Reported by Theresa Sim

Berwyn, Pennsylvania-based Turner Investments is looking to hire a cyclical sector equity analyst by year's end, said Bruce Zewe, Turner spokesman.

The money manager recently announced the addition of James Bacon, a former medical industry research analyst at MFS Investment Management, effective July 6.

Bacon reports to Frank Sustersic, a senior portfolio manager, security analyst and principal at Turner.

With the addition of Bacon, Turner is one analyst closer to reaching its goal manning each of its self-defined broad market sectors -- consumer, cyclical, financial services, healthcare, and telecommunications/technology -- with three analysts each.

Analysts recommend stocks in their sector to fund lead managers; typically, analysts go on to become fund co-managers after a relatively short time, said Zewe.

In other moves, the money manager is also working on sector-specific long/short investment strategies. The strategies are still in incubation, said Zewe. He speculated that they would not be offered for at least one year. 

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