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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

How Can Fundsters Build an AI-Ready Sales Culture?

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

"AI is already having an impact on asset management distribution & the impact will only grow."

Lee Kowarski
SS&C Technologies
Head of Distribution Solutions
So writes Lee Kowarski, head of distribution solutions at SS&C Technologies. The SS&C team has released an eight-page new white paper, entitled "Humans and Machine: The AI-Influenced Distribution Team of the Future."

In the report, the SS&C team urges fundsters to "capitalize on the current curiosity by providing a range of educational content ... on AI basics."

"It presents AI as accessible and potentially useful to everyone within an organization," the SS&C team writes.

The researchers also tell fundsters to go "beyond online surveys or portals to submit ideas."

"Create a culture and related mechanisms for every person at the firm to ideate on ways to bring AI-enabled automation or analytics to their business functions," the SS&C team writes. "In every product development or strategic planning meeting, leaders should ask the question, 'What in this product or service can leverage AI to speed to, add insight or scale more cost-effectively?' and 'How can we optimize this process for AI applications to work well?'"

And the SS&C team urges fundsters to "ensure their staff have the skills to maximize AI value," and that includes both hard skills (like "AI-prompt engineering") and soft skills (like "critical thinking and contextual analysis").

"Firms need to build not just excitement, but curiosity and a base of knowledge across the entire organization that will empower them to support and even co-create solutions with AI experts," the SS&C team concludes. "AI success will hinge on the humans designing the queries and setting up the analysis parameters being able to understand the output, validate its accuracy based on institutional knowledge and domain expertise, and place it all into context. AI may be able to point sales in the right direction, but at least for the near future, it will take a person to win over a client and seal the deal." 

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