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Rating:A $3.5B-AUM Shop Adds a Natural Resources Fund Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, August 26, 2022

A $3.5B-AUM Shop Adds a Natural Resources Fund

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

The team at a $3.5 billion-AUM (as of July 31), Chicago-area fund firm is rolling out a passively managed ETF designed to invest in industries like timber, paper, mining, metals, energy, chemicals, and agriculture.

Christian Magoon
Amplify Investments LLC
On Wednesday, Christian Magoon, CEO of Amplify Investments (dba Amplify ETFs) [profile], unveiled the launch of the Amplify Natural Resources Dividend Income ETF (NDIV on the NYSE Arca). The fund is a series of the Amplify ETF Trust, and the fund's inception date was Wednesday; as of today it has $645,000 in AUM.

Wheaton, Illinois-based Amplify Investments LLC serves as the new fund's investment advisor. Toroso Investments, LLC serves as the fund's subadvisor, and Charles Ragauss (head of trading at Toroso) and Michael Venuto (chief investment officer at Toroso) serve as the fund's PMs. The fund is designed to track the EQM Natural Resources Dividend Income Index (NDIVITR), and EQM Indexes LLC is the index provider.

The fund comes with an expense ratio of 59 basis points.

Magoon puts the fund launch in the context of seeing "select dividend-paying energy and materials stocks" as "positioned attractively due to strong cash flows, growing distributions and current price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios."

The new fund's other service providers include: Chapman and Cutler LLP as counsel; Cohen & Company, Ltd. as independent accounting firm; Foreside Fund Services, LLC as distributor; U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC as administrator, dividend agent, fund accountant, and transfer agent; and U.S. Bank, N.A. as securities lending agent. 

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