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Rating:A $1.5B-AUM Fund Firm Wins Online Not Rated 5.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, April 14, 2022

A $1.5B-AUM Fund Firm Wins Online

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

The folks at a $1.5-billion-AUM, subadvised, Big Apple mutual fund firm and their PR and marketing ally have good cause for popping some champagne.

Timothy William "Tim" Reick
Liberty Street Advisors, Inc.
New York City-based Liberty Street Advisors' [profile] LibertyStreetFunds.com website recently won a 2022 Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) award for "best mutual fund website." The award comes from the Web Marketing Association.

The team at Sondhelm Partners developed Liberty Street's winning website. (The Sondhelm team also worked with the winner of the same award last year.) Tim Reick, CEO of Liberty Street, and Dan Sondhelm, CEO of his eponymous firm, trumpeted Liberty Street's win. Chelsea Barry serves as Liberty Street's marketing director. 

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