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Rating:Happy MLK Day Weekend! Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, January 14, 2022

Happy MLK Day Weekend!

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

In observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day market holiday, MFWire will be closed this coming Monday (i.e. January 17). But don't worry; we'll be back (remotely, at least) on Tuesday, January 18.

In the meantime:
heat up a sandwich;
treat someone to lunch or a drink;
reflect on the end of a war;
organize your WFH office;
dress up a friend;
celebrate medical procedures;
click to learn more;
take a lick of a treat;
keep your head warm;
drink some juice or something hotter;
eat breakfast and a snack;
celebrate freedom of conscience;
honor a plant;
give thanks for a reversal;
take a break;
appreciate something mythical;
check in with a teenager or a teacher;
check the scale ... or maybe don't; and
remember two famous American non-presidents

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