On Wednesday, starting at 2pm eastern, the
Nicsa team will
host a
webinar, entitled "Global Tax Reclaim."
Also on Wednesday, the
Hennessy Funds team will host their 14th annual market outlook press briefing. The event will be both an in-person lunch (at Mastro's Steakhouse in midtown Manhattan) and a Zoom meeting.
On Thursday, starting at 2pm eastern, the Mutual Fund Directors Forum (
MFDF) team will
host a webinar, entitled "Fund Industry Claims Trends: An Insurer's Perspective."
This week, on the defined contribution side of the industry, the teams at
Faegre Drinker,
NAPA, and
Vestwell are hosting events. Our sister publication,
401kWire, has more details.
National Lemon Cream Pie Day! 
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