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Rating:The Fund Firm With the Best Advisor Rep Is ... Not Rated 4.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, May 18, 2018

The Fund Firm With the Best Advisor Rep Is ...

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

When it comes to reputation, it should come as no surprise to fundsters that FAs' favored firms happen to be some familiar titans.

When it comes to image and reputation with advisors, Capital Group's American Funds is number one in 2018, according to the new "Marketing Support: The Advisor View" report in Fuse Research Network's Advisor Trend Monitor series. American Funds surpassed Vanguard, now number two, after they tied for first in 2017 and after Vanguard stayed on top in 2013, 2014, and 2015. (Fuse did not do the same in 2016.)

Rounding out the top ten "mutual fund companies with best image/reputation" are: #3, Fidelity (level with 2017); #4, Franklin Templeton (up from 5 in 2017); #5, BlackRock (down from 4 in 2017); #6, T. Rowe Price (level with 2017); #7, Pimco (up from 10 in 2017); #8 (tie), MFS (down from 7 in 2017) and J.P. Morgan (level with 2017); and #10, OppenheimerFunds (not rated in 2017).

"The lack of turnover in the top 10 firms during these five most recent rating periods speaks volumes about the importance of image and reputation in building and maintaining both advisor and client trust," the Fuse team writes in the report.

The report draws on the results of a Fuse and WealthManagement.com survey of nearly 700 FAs across independent B-D, RIA, and wirehouse channels. 

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