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Rating:The Fidelity Johnsons Still Hold Four Spots Here Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Fidelity Johnsons Still Hold Four Spots Here

News summary by MFWire's editors

The family behind the Boston Behemoth still dominates the top ten spots on this local list.

Four members of the Johnson family of Fidelity [profile] fame are among the ten richest people in Massachusetts, according to AffluenceIQ's updated list of the 50 richest people in the state. The Boston Business Journal reported on the top 30 people on that list.

The four East Coast Johnsons on AffluenceIQ's latest list each hold the same spots they did back in June 2016, the first time the list was released.

Abby Johnson — president, chairman, and CEO of Fidelity — again comes in at number two on the list, this time with an estimated net worth of $16 billion. The 56-year-old only fell behind the same person, 84-year-old casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson (who is now worth more than $35 billion and lives in both Massachusetts and Nevada).

Abby's father, 87-year-old former Fidelity chief Ned Johnson, again ranks at number three, this time with $8 billion. Abby's 52-year-old brother, Edward C. Johnson IV, ranks ninth with $2.5 billion, and Abby's 54-year-old sister, Elizabeth L. Johnson, ranks tenth with $2.5 billion. 

Edited by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

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