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Monday, January 25, 2016

The SEC Turns to a Voice of Fund Directors

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A veteran voice for mutual fund directors will be offering the SEC advice in a more formal capacity.

Susan Wyderko
Mutual Fund Directors
President, Chief Executive Officer
Susan Wyderko, president and CEO of the Mutual Fund Directors Forum, just joined the regulatory agency's Investor Advisory Committee. This past Thursday, SEC Chair Mary Jo White welcomed Wyderko at the committee's first meeting of the year. Committee members serve for four-year terms.

Wyderko is no stranger to the SEC. Prior to joining the MFDF 10 years ago, she served as director of the SEC's office of investor education and then as acting director of the SEC's division of investment management.

The mission of the Investor Advisory Committee, Wyderko tells MFWire, is to "advise the commission on initiatives to protect investor interests and investor confidence and the integrity of the securities marketplace."

"I represent fund independent directors who represent mutual fund shareholders," Wyderko says. "You want that voice represented."

The current leadership of the committee includes: chairman Kurt Schacht, who is managing director of the CFA Institute; vice chairman Anne Sheehan, who is director of corporate governance for the California State Teachers' Retirement System; secretary J. Robert Brown, who is a law professor at the University of Denver; and assistant secretary Jean Setzfand, who is director of financial security for AARP.

Other current committee members include: Darcy Bradbury, managing director and director of external affairs for D.E. Shaw; Joseph Carcello, professor and head of the accounting and information management department at the University of Tennessee; Lisa Fairfax, law professor at George Washington University; Rick Fleming, investor advocate at the SEC; Matthew Furman, EVP and group general counsel for Willis Group; Roger Ganser, chairman of BetterInvesting; James Glassman, executive director of the George W. Bush Institute; Craig Goettsch, director of investor education and consumer outreach for the Iowa Insurance Division; Joseph Grundfest, law and business professor at Stanford; Stephen Holmes, general partner and COO at InterWest Partners; Adam Kanzer, managing director and director of corporate engagement and public policy for Domini Social Investments; Roy Katzovicz, chairman of Saddle Point Group; William Lee, CIO for Kaiser Permanente; Hester Peirce, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University; Barbara Roper, director of investor protection for the Consumer Federation of America; Damon Silvers, associate general counsel for the AFL-CIO; and Steven Wallman, founder and CEO of Foliofn. 

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