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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Doll Tells Reporters That the Muddle Through Will Continue

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Ten reporters gathered near New York's Central Park this morning to hear ten predictions from Nuveen's [profile] equity guru Bob Doll.

Robert C. Doll
Nuveen Investments
Senior Portfolio Manager, Chief Equity Strategist
Doll and his colleagues returned to the Lotos Club to share their crystal ball view and look back on their past predictions. Reporters enjoyed a continental breakfast and listened to Doll's prognostications in the club's library.

Doll gave himself a seven out of ten for his predictions for 2015 (six completely right, two half right, and two completely wrong).

His big theme for 2016, the "Muddle Through Continues", pervades his predictions for the year. Doll pointed out that "modest, some, limited, moderately" are common qualifying words for his remarks this time around.

"There are not a lot of table-pounders in trying to find reasons that we're going to have a big up or, i would argue, a big down market either," Doll said.

As for rough weeks like this one, Doll compared the market's current woes to the situation in August. Both dips he looks at as buying opportunities, though he stressed that he's "not trying to be a hero."

And for fundsters and others in financial services, Doll had at least one piece of favorable prognostication: he sees the financial sector as one of the stronger performing equity sectors this year. 

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