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Rating:$752MM and Counting: a Third PM Joins a Young Dreyfus Fund Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

$752MM and Counting: a Third PM Joins a Young Dreyfus Fund

by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A third PM just joined the team running a 10-month old Dreyfus [profile] foreign smid blend fund that already has more than three quarters of a billion dollars in AUM.

Andrew R. Leger
The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC
Per a filing with the SEC, last month the BNY Mellon arm added Andrew Leger to the PM team of the $752.4-million Dreyfus International Small Cap Fund. The fund has been PMed by Mark Bogar and James Lydotes since launching on January 30.

MFWire could not immediately reach a BNY spokesperson for comment on the PM change.

Like Bogar and Lydotes, Leger works at one of BNY's boutiques, The Boston Company Asset Management. Bogar, the fund's lead PM and an eight-year TBCAM veteran, serves as managing director and head TBCAM's global equity team. Lydotes, a ten-year TBCAM veteran, serves as managing director and senior research analyst. And Leger, a BlackRock veteran who joined TBCAM last year, serves as a director and senior research analyst. 

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