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Rating:Mercer Is Changing the Way UBS FAs Find Your Funds Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mercer Is Changing the Way UBS FAs Find Your Funds

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Mercer is changing the way one wirehouse's advisors will look up your products.

"We're implementing a new research portal that's powered by Mercer," Jeff Miller, managing director and head of wealth management advice and platforms for wealth management Americas at UBS, tells MFWire. The platform "will be available toward the end of this year."

In May Miller unveiled an alliance with Mercer, with the latter's 120-plus manager research analysts helping UBS expand its coverage of the universe of investment products, including mutual funds. That alliance allows UBS' own manager research analysts to focus their efforts on UBS' high-conviction list (which currently includes about 100 mutual funds, ETFs, and SMAs).

"That [the new research portal] is going to sit on the desktops of our FAs and just bring all of this together in a very convenient and effective way," Miller says. "In the end, as we implement this, we think we'll have one of the most expansive investment manager coverage models in the industry." 

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