Morgan Stanley/
Hunger Games saga continues, this time with a short-lived victory for the wirehouse and investment bank.
Last year Morgan Stanley employees a created a 10-minute Hunger Games parody video, called
Margin Games: Manager on Fire, for a branch manager meeting. They ended up mothballing the video instead of showing it at the meeting, yet last month
InvestmentNews got their digital hands on a copy of the video and posted it, and a host of other publications piled on.
FoxBusiness reported that the backlash pushed the video issue all the way to the top at the investment bank, with CEO
James Gorman and Morgan Stanley Wealth Management president
Greg Fleming launching an internal investigation into the leaking of the video.
Since then, Greg Hazley of
O'Dwyer's called the spoof video a "PR black eye" for Morgan Stanley.
DealBreaker and
Inquisitr weighed in, too.
Most recently, Mason Braswell of
InvestmentNews reports that Morgan Stanley succeeded in temporarily getting the video pulled from the trade publication's website. Lawyers from the wirehouse reportedly asked
InvestmentNews' video hosting provider to pull the video under the Digital Millennium Copyright. The trade pub says they'll "contest the DMCA notice, in recognition of its fair use news reporting rights under US copyright laws," and in the meantime the video is back up on its site thanks to a different video hosting provider. Water on a gasoline fire? 
Edited by:
Neil Anderson, Managing Editor
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