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Monday, March 9, 2015

Women In ETFs Take the NYSE

Reported by Lande Asiru

The ETF industry's first women's group, with eight chapters in the United States, Europe, Canada and its newest chapter in Asia Pacific, rang the NYSE's opening bell this morning across the globe to commemorate International Women's Day 2015!

This morning, Women in ETFs (WE) gathered at The New York Stock Exchange to celebrate International Women's Day by ringing the opening bell. As a global nudge for advancing and recognizing women, WE partnered with nine stock exchanges all across the globe to mark the economic, political, and social achievements of women.

Today's event kicked off to a great start with women in the financial services industry convening in a decadent room inside the NYSE. The room, which was as big as the excitement in the air, was filled with much laughter and cheer -- accompanied by an array of breakfast goodies that were provided for attendees to devour. Food selections included an assortment of croissants, granola, yogurt, freshly ripe fruit (cantaloupe, pineapple, and blueberries) as well as sweet pastries.

A keynote presentation featured renowned experts on women in financial services, along with leading women in the ETF industry. WE's co-founders Joanne Hill and Sue Thompson, along with executive director at MSCI Linda-Eling Lee and regional head of markets for North America, co-head of Citi Women and Citi’s global women’s initiative Suni P. Hartford, all spoke to the attendees about what needs to be done when it comes to trends and industry changes for women in the marketplace.

"Make it Happen," is this year's theme for International Women's Day. One thing many people would like to see in the financial services industry is a push for more equality. Why? Well, lets face it. In nearly every country and all aspects of life, finance plays a major role, yet women make up only a fraction of the financial services workforce.

According to the announcement, "WE is open to women and men who want to help 'make it happen' for women working in the ETF eco-system which includes over 230 firms sponsoring ETFs/ETPs, over 60 exchanges, over 220 market makers and authorized participants, over 130 index providers, custodians, law firms, accounting firms etc."

At the end of 2014 the Global ETF/ETP industry had 5,581 ETFs/ETPs, with 10,771 listings, assets of US$2.785 trillion, from 239 providers on 62 exchanges in 50 countries source ETFGI.

The NYSE is one of nine global exchanges that will be participating in bell ringings worldwide from March 2-12. WE was founded in January 2014.  

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