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Rating:Vanguarding Hedge Funds, ETF-Style Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, March 13, 2015

Vanguarding Hedge Funds, ETF-Style

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A research shop and indexer of hedge fund strategies is preparing a suite of ETFs.

Maz Jadallah, founder and CEO of San Francisco-based AlphaClone, confirms that he's "building a family of ETFs."

"We want to launch all of our strategies in ETF form," Jadallah tells MFWire, adding that they're aiming to do so by the end of 2015.

AlphaClone started out as a research firm back in 2008. In 2010 AlphaClone filed with the SEC to become a registered investment advisor. AlphaClone uses its own Clonescore approach to score different hedge fund managers, and then wraps different strategies into separate accounts.

"We index hedge fund ideas found in quarterly 13F disclosures," Jadallah says. "We're giving investors access to managers that they otherwise would never have access to."

About three years ago AlphaClone debuted its first ETF, the AlphanClone Alternative Alpha Fund (ALFA), which Jadallah calls giving individual investors access to "high-conviction" managers, without the investors "having to pay the freight."

"We're a buy-and-hold strategy inside an ETF," Jadallah says. "We want them to replace their active managers with our strategies. We want them to replace their hedge funds with our strategies."

Jadallah sees an opportunity for AlphaClone to differentiate how it distributes its ETF offerings.

"We really do want to sell our products like Tesla sells cars," Jadallah says. "We want to be a little bit more modern in the way we sell our products and services." 

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