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Rating:Doll Foretells a Good 2015 For Fundsters Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Doll Foretells a Good 2015 For Fundsters

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Fundsters, Bob Doll has some good news for you.

This morning at a press breakfast, the Nuveen [profile] investing guru unveiled his ten predictions for 2015 -- and at least two of them should be exciting news for lots of mutual fund folk: "6. U.S. equities enjoy another good yet volatile year, as corporate earnings and the U.S. dollar rise," and "9. U.S. equity mutual funds show their first significant inflows since 2004" in what Doll describes as "the least believed bull market of our careers."

What else does Doll see in his crystal ball? Three-percent U.S. GDP growth (first time since 2005). Contained core inflation combined with increased wage growth. The Fed raising rates. The ECB implementing a massive QE program. The U.S. contributing more to global GDP growth than China (first time since 2006). Health care, technology and telecom sectors outperforming energy, materials and utilities. Oil prices falling, more, but ending the year up. And wide open presidential nominations on both sides of the aisle.

How seriously should fundsters take Doll's positive prognostications? Well, when he looks back on his 2014 predictions, by Doll's reckoning he got five right, three half right, and two wrong. That includes the correct prediction that U.S. equities would do well in 2014 despite a big correction and the false prediction that active managers would outperform indexers. 

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