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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Meet Aberdeen's Young Gross

News summary by MFWire's editors

Meet Aberdeen's [profile] Bill Gross. He's younger, and based in Singapore, yet the Financial Times makes Hugh Young out to be as critical to the Scottish multinational asset manager's fate as Gross was to Pimco's.

In a profile posted over the weekend, the FT's Madison Marriage profiles Aberdeen's key man, a Singapore-based who one unnamed senior executive describes as the "the backbone of the emerging market business," which is Aberdeen's specialty.

Just how important is Young to Aberdeen? The FT reveals that the mutual fund firm pays Young just 5,000 pounds less than his boss, London-based Aberdeen CEO Martin Gilbert.

The article gives readers, especially fundsters on this side of Pacific who may not be as familiar with Young, a glimpse at the 56-year-old PM and his history. He joined Aberdeen 30 years ago, and is a wine and opera enthusiast. And he insists that he isn't going anywhere. Indeed, he laughs such concern off as unfounded and describes himself as not employable elsewhere.

"People like me would never get a job these days," Young tells the FT

Edited by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

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