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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Daughter was El-Erian's Choice

News summary by MFWire's editors

Was there a better way for Mohamed El-Erian to walk out from Bill Gross? Mohamed now thinks there may have been and Reuters has the story. Just as importantly, just how powerful are 'tween girls' in their ability to set the investment world on its ear?

The former heir to Bond King Gross gave reporters Jennifer Ablan and Dan Burns every scribes dream money quote:
If I had known that there would be this media circus, I would've done a lot of things differently.
Of course, that does raise the question of what El-Erian was thinking as Gross has enshrouded them both in a media circus since at least, oh say, the financial collapse in 2008.

So what were the better options? The sole answer he provided to Reuters was to work fewer hours (we won't say that dropping from 100 hours per week to 50 is truly part time for us mortals).

It was the hours that caused El-Erian to quit. He confides that in May 2013 his daughter -- then 10 -- presented him a list of 22 key events in her life that he had already missed.

Daddy's girl won. Or at least that is the "on-the-record" version of events. The rest of us will just keep wearing our shades.

For those who have forgotten the whole media circus Dealbreaker (as is its wont), has the takedown on the media circus.  

Edited by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

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