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Rating:A High Profile Fund Columnist Joins GSAM Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, August 21, 2014

A High Profile Fund Columnist Joins GSAM

Reported by Tommy Fernandez


Actually Brendan Conway has made two of them.

First, he left his position as a columnist at Barron's, to join Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

The second splash, he made, well, this way via the ALS ice bucket challenge.

Conway, who got a bachelors from Harvard and a business and economic reporting masters from NYU, had masterminded Barron's Focus on Funds column for over two years. He announced his departure in a column outlining the twelve lessons he learned about investing

He has had a long and varied career in journalism, having served as a reporter for Dow Jones Newswires, a contributor and intern at the Christian Science Monitor, a member of the editorial board at the Washington Times, a fellow at the Phillips Foundation, where he wrote a series of article on veterans running in Congressional elections, and at National Affairs Inc,, where he served a variety of roles including assistant managing editor of the The National Interest and managing editor of The Public Interest.

While with Barron's, Conway also served as a writing coach at the Wharton School.

A Goldman spokesman said the firm will release more details about Conway's future role at GSAM in the coming weeks.

At the end of Conway's swan song column, Barron's stated that the column will be handled by "Teresa Rivas, Johanna Bennett, Ben Levisohn, Grace Williams and Emily Bary and others." 

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