Fundsters who don't agree with
Jack Bogle's attacks on the mutual fund industry and its fees may want to take a look at a letter to the editors of the
Wall Street Journal.
Neil Hennessy, chairman, president and CEO of
Hennessy Advisors [
see profile], yesterday
countered a recent WSJ op-ed by Bogle himself (see
The MFWire, 8/27/2010). In particular, Hennessy noted various factors contributing to the rise in mutual fund fees.
| Neil Hennessy Hennessy Advisors Chairman, President and CEO | |
"While I agree with Mr. Bogle that expenses have gone up, it is absolutely untrue that every manager is lining his or her own pocket with those higher fees," Hennessy wrote, noting the rise of compliance costs and of fund supermarket shelf-space fees. "In case Mr. Bogle hasn't noticed, management fees have not gone up without shareholder approval for as long as I can remember, but all other costs to the shareholder have ... Simply put, costs of running a mutual fund, other than the management fee, are largely outside of the manager's direct control." 
Edited by:
Neil Anderson, Managing Editor
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