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Monday, August 23, 2010

Will Buddy's Baby Survive?

News summary by MFWire's editors

Buddy Donohue's upcoming departure from the SEC continues to generate ink in the media. The latest articles, though, do not have names of possible successors. Instead, they focus on speculation on what Donohue's departure might mean for 12b-1 reform and which issues his replacement must address.

InvestmentNews has a pair of follow-up stories to last Tuesday's news that Donohue is planning to leave the commission in November. One of the articles poses the question: "Will 12b-1 plan fizzle without champion?" Among those quoted is Barry Barbash, who at one point held Donohue's current post. "Buddy was a driving force behind the 12b-1 proposal," Barbash told the pub. “Given the likelihood of negative comments about the proposal, what comes out in the final rule could be very different because of Buddy not being there.”

The other InvestmentNews story gathered thoughts from SEC observers who expressed surprise at the timing of Donohue's departure.

In his column over the weekend, MarketWatch's Chuck Jaffe lays out the issues the new "fund czar" must help to shape. Aside from 12b-1 reform, the list includes fiduciary responsbility for advisors and revenue sharing, among others. 

Edited by: Armie Margaret Lee

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