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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gemini Hires Three

Reported by Armie Margaret Lee

In May, The MutualFundWire reported that Gemini Fund Services was looking to add to its team. Now, the Hauppauge, New York-based firm has revealed the identities of its new hires.

Dawn Borelli joined as assistant vice president of fund administration. She is responsible for providing administration services for mutual funds. Previously, Borelli was an assistant vice president in global fund administration at Legg Mason.

Kristin McCann took on the role of assistant vice president in the compliance and tax administration department. She is responsible for monitoring daily and monthly fund compliance and serves as liaison between Germini and external audit firms and regulatory agencies. Prior to joining Gemini, McCann worked at Ivy Asset Management, the fund of hedge funds owned by Bank of New York Mellon. (Not to be confused with Waddell & Reed's Ivy Investment Management.

Chris Walker joined as assistant vice president of business development. He is tasked with managing the sales process used to attract clients and educating advisors on the pooled products that Gemini services. Most recently, he was an account manager at the Aureus Medical Group, a medical staffing company. 

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