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Rating:PM Changes: JP Morgan, Artio & Sun Capital Advisors Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, July 26, 2010

PM Changes: JP Morgan, Artio & Sun Capital Advisors

Reported by Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

J.P. Morgan Investment Management has added Giri Devulapally and Alan Gutmann as portfolio managers to each manage a portion of $2.89 billion JPMorgan U.S. Equity Fund. JPMIM officials stated that the move will better leverage the breadth and depth of JPMIM’s research capabilities for the fund. The team also includes: Thomas Luddy, Susan Bao and Helge Skibeli. The fund carries four stars from Morningstar. [SEC filing]

On Friday, Dimitre Genov replaced Keith Walter as co-portfolio manager of the $71 million Artio Global Equity Fund (BJGQX) with Rudolph-Riad Younes. Genov has been a member of the Artio Global Equities investment team since 2009. The fund carries a three-star rating from Morningstar. [SEC filing]

Sun Capital Advisors is gaining access to the newest member of BlackRock's TIPS team. The two-year-old, $294 million SC BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond Fund (SCBIX) is subadvised by the BlackRock team that recently saw Martin Hegarty join Stuart Spodek and Brian Weinstein. Earlier in July BlackRock also disclosed that Hagerty joined Spodek and Weinstein managing its own Inflation Protected Bonds fund (BPRAX). [SEC filing

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