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Rating:How Do American Funds' Flows Stack Up? Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, July 19, 2010

How Do American Funds' Flows Stack Up?

News summary by MFWire's editors

Capital Group's American Funds suffered $19 billion in net mutual fund outflows between January 1 and June 30, more than any other fund firm, compared to net inflows of $421 million at Fidelity and $39.9 billion at Vanguard. That's one of the tidbits in Jessica Toonkel Marquez' article yesterday in InvestmentNews. American Funds watchers, even those who read Toonkel's first story on the subject (see The MFWire, 7/14/2010) may want to take a look at this longer follow-up piece.

Capital Group spokesman Chuck Freadhoff reminds InvestmentNews that much of the pain comes from a general investor shift away from equities (where American Funds focuses most of its efforts) to fixed income (where American Funds has both less strength and fewer offerings).

Morningstar analyst Sonia Morris, independent advisor Nancy Caton and Raymond James advisor Steve Johnson all weigh in for the article. The article specifically cites several American Funds, including: the Growth Fund of America, Capital Income Builder, Washington Mutual Investor and the Bond Fund of America

Edited by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

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