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Rating:El-Erian Likes Emerging Markets and Pimco's Equity Push Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, July 9, 2010

El-Erian Likes Emerging Markets and Pimco's Equity Push

News summary by MFWire's editors

Mohamed El-Erian is continuing to work the press to communicate Pimco's vision and explain its move into equity products. This time, the Pimco CEO talks to Bloomberg BusinessWeek about the effort in a radio interview with Tom Keene.

Two weeks ago, El-Erian and Pimco's Bill Gross were featured in a print article from Bloomberg BusinessWeek that went over similar themes (See The MFWire, June 24, 2010).

El-Erian also told Keene that he sees more growth coming from emerging markets than industrialized countries.

"The structural vision is going on outside of industrialized countries," said El-Erian. "You go to Brazil, you go to Russia, you go to China: they are thinking structurally whereas industrial countries are thinking cyclically." 

Edited by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

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