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Rating:Cigna Retirement Think Tank Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Cigna Retirement Think Tank

Reported by InvestmentWires Staff, 

Congress Enters 401k Mark-up

Congress will be marking up the two keystone bills on 401(k) reform today. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is taking on Chairman Edward Kennedy’s (D-MA) Protecting America's Pensions Act of 2002 bill (S. 1992). Meanwhile, the House Education and the Workforce Committee will consider Chairman John Boehner’s (R-OH) Pension Security Act of 2002 (H.R. 3762).

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Cigna Board Brings Retirement Thinkers Together

CIGNA Retirement & Investment Services has created a "Participant Communications Board" to promote awareness about the need for effective retirement planning. The body includes a number of prominent industry figures, including Dallas Salisbury (EBRI), Don Phillips (Morningstar), Professor Narry Sheckley (UConn), Rochelle Lamm (Academy of Financial Services, Carlie Ruffel (PlanSponsor.com) amd Lynne Ellis (Spang & Company). "Our goal is to help American workers more effectively plan for and enjoy their retirement," said Victor Saliterman, senior vice president, Participant Solutions, at CIGNA Retirement & Investment Services.

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Chao Names Five to ERISA Advisory Council

Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao tapped five new members to the ERISA Adisory Council. The quintet includes David Wray, president of the Profit Sharing/401(k) Council of America. Also named to the committee were John J. Szczur, Michele M. Weldon, Judy E. Weiss, and Dana M. Muir. Each will serve a three-year terms.

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Janus Loses Marketing Chief

Stuart Novek is stepping down as chief marketing officer for Janus, a spokesperson with the firm reported. He will be replaced by Robin Berry, who is currently vice president of retail marketing at Janus. April 5 will be Novek's last day. The spokesperson stated that this was his decision.

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ICI Dates

The ICI has set the dates for the general membership meeting of mutual fund industry executives. It will be from May 22-24 at the Washington D.C. Hilton. The theme for the year is "Continuing a Tradition of Integrity in Challenging Times." Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani will speak at the Thursday night dinner. 

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