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Rating:T. Rowe Expands Relationship with Morningstar Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, February 28, 2002

T. Rowe Expands Relationship with Morningstar

Reported by Tony Pennino

In August 2001, T. Rowe Price tapped Morningstar for a 401(k) advice alliance. The Charm City firm already had two pre-existing advice alliances with mPower and Financial Engines for a total of three. Now, T. Rowe is providing its retail clients to Morningstar tools on its website.

T. Rowe customers will have access to Portfolio X-Ray. This is a system that is intended to provide investors with an analysis of their portfolios. Clients will also have access to ClearFuture, which is the Morningstar 401(k) service.

Portfolio X-Ray analyze the underlying assets of a mutual fund including: a breakdown of asset allocation, stock sector and type, world regions, and fees and expenses. There is also a stock intersection report which provides how much an investor holds in a given stock either throw direct ownership or in mutual funds.

T. Rowe clients will also have access to a portfolio tracking tool, which is intended to provide a reference page of financial data on what a of securities as defined by the user. 

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