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Rating:Morningstar Finds CFO Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, January 8, 2002

Morningstar Finds CFO

Reported by Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Fund tracker Morningstar has filled its open chief financial officer slot. The new executive is a familiar face to those in the retirement plan industry. The internal hire is Martha Dustin Boudos, 35.

Boudos had most recently served as the head of the Chicago firms human resources department with the title of vice president.

Prior to that slot, she headed the firm's efforts in the retirement advice business. She took that slot over from John Rekenthaler who in turn had assumed the responsibilities from Jim Wironen.

Boudos had played a key role in developing the firm's initial strategy to enter the defined contribution advice business with Rekenthaler. Earlier, she played a large part in the development of the Morningstar retail Web site. 

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