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Rating:AFBA Adds Products to Advisor Channel Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, February 25, 2002

AFBA Adds Products to Advisor Channel

Reported by Tony Pennino

AFBA 5Star Funds has added its small cap fund and science & technology fund to its financial advisors channel. The sub-advisor for the funds is Kornitzer Capital Management.

The funds are also available to some retirement plans. These are the newest funds in the AFBA family; both were founded October 12, 2001.

"The money managers for these funds have very strong, proven track records. And, they have sufficient capacity to accommodate new investment dollars -- particularly for small-cap investments or allocations," stated Al Johnson, president of AFBA 5Star Funds. "For these reasons, we've seen a lot of enthusiasm among advisors and investors for these new funds."

The firm's parent company is the Armed Forces Benefit Association. The association uses the revenues from the funds -- which are available to the general public -- to help provide life insurance to military personnel and their families. 

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