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Rating:GE Launches New Funds Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, May 1, 2000

GE Launches New Funds

Reported by Joel Kranc

GE Asset Management group has expanded its retail equity and fixed income mutual fund product line to include four new offerings, bringing the total funds to 21. These four new GE funds are available immediately. In addition, GE is adding a large cap US index fund to the GE Funds platform.

Names and brief descriptions of the four new GE Funds are as follows:

-- GE Premier Research Equity Fund. Seeks long-term growth of capital and future income by investing in a limited number of stocks of large and medium-sized US companies.
-- GE Premier International Equity Fund. Seeks long-term growth of capital and future income by investing in a limited number of stocks of companies located outside the US.
-- GE Premier Value Equity Fund. Seeks long-term growth of capital and future income by investing in a limited number of stocks of large US companies that the portfolio manager believes are undervalued by the market but have solid growth prospects.
-- GE S&P 500 Index Fund. Seeks growth of capital and accumulation of income that corresponds to the investment return of the Standard & Poor's Composite Stock Index.

"The GE Premier Funds use the GE Premier Growth Equity Fund model and apply it to our other major investment strengths," said Brendan Gundersen, director of retail product development and marketing for GE Asset Management Services. 

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