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Tuesday, March 19, 2002

TD Waterhouse Notches Up Web Functions

by: Tony Pennino

TD Waterhouse has tapped iPhrase Technologies for its One Step product to be utilized for tdwaterhouse.com, a spokesperson with iPhrase told the MutualFundWire.com. The upgrade is intended to provide better service for its customers and

TD Waterhouse previously deployed a solution based on Ask Jeeves. The new system is intended to do the following:
  • provide accuracy - the firms' contend that One Step understands underlying concepts, in both the queries and the content, which produces a response for a wide range of user expression, and automatically corrects for misspellings, word order, synonyms and abbreviations.
  • improve usability - the system has been designed to determine the best result presentation based on the user's query by taking the user directly to an existing page or returning relevant resources.
  • provide secure access - TD Waterhouse will be able to customize search results based on the user's login status.
  • offer in-depth analytics - the analytics are designed to turns customers' questions into market feedback.
  • and create a flexible environment - TD Waterhouse will be able to change the site as it feels it needs to.
"Companies across all industries are finding that amassing content on a web site does not by itself ensure that online goals will be met," argued Joseph Krivickas, president and ceo at iPhrase. "Making it truly easy for customers to find what they are looking for is the surest way to generate sales growth, reduce costs, improve customer loyalty and produce overall productivity benefits." 

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