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Tuesday, March 5, 2002

New Marketing Push for Keeley

by: Tony Pennino

The current economic downturn has not caused a blanket case of the doldrums for every player in the mutual fund business. In fact, one firm, Chicago-based Keeley Asset Management, has begun a new marketing campaign for one of its funds.

The new fund, though, is designed to do well in this particular environment. It is the firm's small cap value fund, which specializes in companies that are restructuring (including following a bankruptcy).

"We are working with broker/dealers to increase our distribution," Sharon Hirsch, director of marketing, told the MutualFundWire.com. "We are also trying to work with some wholesalers. And we've seen some benefits so far."

Hirsch reported that the fund has grown from $65.8 million on December 31, 2001 to approximately $70 million today. "A lot of value funds are starting to close to new investors right now, but we still have room for growth. We're going to continue to look for new investors."

Hirsch also stated that the firm was sending brochures and other marketing materials to broker/dealers across the nation but was focusing on those in the Midwest.

The executive then added that there was an effort underway to get the name of the firm's head, John Keeley, Jr., more visible to the public. He has thus far been featured in articles in The Chicago Tribune, Baron's, and Kiplinger's. The firm is also looking to get the manager a spot on CNBC. 

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