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Rating:Now Hiring: Chief Metrics Officer? Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now Hiring: Chief Metrics Officer?

Reported by Erin Kello

A new kasina study explores the quantification of sales strategies. The study is a good read for distribution executives who want to know the value of each aspect of the distribution process. Among the suggestions in the study for fund firms who aim to get serious about collecting sales metrics is the creation of a chief metrics officer position.

The study's authors also lay out a roadmap for finding the perfect candidate to be a chief metrics officer: "Ideally the head of metrics would be recruited from outside the existing distribution organization, have the responsibility and authority to drive measurement initiatives, and report directly to the head of distribution."

To support the CMO, the authors also suggest the formation of a metrics department, which only a few firms. Having an centralized measurement department can result in objective reporting, holistic assessment and consistency in the tracking and interpretation of metrics.

The rest of the study is dedicated to gathering and interpreting the metrics that the CMO would be in charge of.  

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