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Rating:Fink Jealous of Thain -- We Think Not Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fink Jealous of Thain -- We Think Not

by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Larry Fink's $41.87 million pay package is getting noticed. The NY Times blog riffs off the Reuters report on the BlackRock CEO's pay package that was disclosed in the money managers latest financial reports.

Fink saw a 27 percent increase in his take home from last year. That package includes $500,000 in base salary, a bonus of $16.15 million that is up 59 percent from last year and $230,552 of "other" compensation. The biggest part of the package were stock options valued at $25 million.

The NY Times blog wonders if Fink is "a little disappointed" despite the raise and posits that he would have earned more as the CEO of Merrill Lynch -- John Thain earned $83.8 million.

The MFWire does not wonder as much. Fink, after all, is happy at his custom-built home at BlackRock -- and how can one really place a value on happiness? 

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