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Rating:XBRL Gains Traction Among Fund Companies Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

XBRL Gains Traction Among Fund Companies

Reported by Erin Kello

Fund companies are starting to see the XBRL writing on the wall. Five more have come forward to file risk/return summaries using XBRL. According to the SEC's website, companies that have done so include Vanguard, AllianceBernstein, Fidelity, First American Investments and Federated Investments.

Both Fidelity and Vanguard passed on the SEC's original XBRL pilot program.

Companies that have already filed a risk/return statement using XBRL include: JennisonDryden, OpFunds, John Hancock and U.S. Bancorp Fund Services.

If there comes a time when all fund companies file all SEC documents using XBRL, transparency would increase greatly as the SEC database becomes infinitely more searchable. 

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