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Friday, March 28, 2008

Ex-JPMorgan Equity Director Ends up Back Where He Started

Reported by Erin Kello

Jonathan Golub, the former managing director of retail equity strategies at JPMorgan, is going to be working for George Gatch again. Golub had left JPMorgan last October to be a senior managing director and chief investment strategist at Bear Stearns.

Golub was a big part of JPMorgan Asset Management's value-added strategy, Gatch told Ignites last May. He ran the firm's Market Insights program which helped advisors better explain complex market issues to their clients.

Golub was replaced at JPMorgan in early January of 2008 by David Kelly. It is not known if Golub will be staying on once Bear is absorbed by JPMorgan or what his new role will be.

Representatives for JPMorgan and Bear Stearns did not return calls inquiring about what Golub's position would be in the combined organization.

Another high profile asset management hire made by Bear last summer, Jeffery Lane, has also had his future thrown into limbo. Lane is long-time member of the asset management community; he headed up Neuberger Berman when it was purchased by Lehman Brothers, eventually becoming the latter company's vice chairman. He then left Lehman to head Bear Stearn's Asset Management in June of 2007 to shore up investor confidence after the collapse of two hedge funds.

It remains to be seen what role, if any, Lane will take at JPMorgan in light of the deal.  

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