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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SimCorp Taps New President

News summary by MFWire's editors

Fund company vendor SimCorp USA has a new president. David Kubersky has been appointed to replace Peter Soerensen, who formerly held the role. Soerensen will move over to the SimCorp headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark to lead corporate IT infrastructure and internal applications as senior vice president.

Company Press Release

NEW YORK, March 26, 2008 – David Kubersky, an information technology executive with more than 20 years experience of successfully helping software and systems-related businesses to grow their revenue, market share and client base, has been appointed president of SimCorp USA, the North American subsidiary of SimCorp A/S.

Mr. Kubersky, age 41, will be based in the company’s New York City headquarters. He replaces Peter Soerensen, a nine-year company veteran who established SimCorp’s North American operations in 2000. Mr. Soerensen will return to the company’s headquarters in Copenhagen to lead corporate IT infrastructure and internal applications as senior vice president.

The company’s flagship product, SimCorp Dimension, is one of the most efficient, transparent and flexible investment management software systems on the market. More than 150 financial institutions worldwide are currently using SimCorp Dimension to support various aspects of the investment management process throughout the front, middle and back-office.

“Dave is a hands-on, senior manager with extensive experience in positioning and growing brands,” said Peter L. Ravn, chief executive officer, SimCorp A/S. “Dave is expert in all phases of business development, sales management and strategic and tactical marketing and he enjoys a reputation for problem-solving. We’re confident that he will help sustain and accelerate our North American subsidiary’s current growth trajectory.”

For nearly the last decade, Mr. Kubersky was instrumental in building the U.S. division of Ness Technologies, a half billion-dollar global information technology service provider with more than 8,000 employees worldwide and clients in 18 countries. As senior vice president and general manager, Mr. Kubersky was involved in strategic planning, geographic expansion, mergers/acquisitions, determination of investment priorities and resource allocation. During his tenure, revenue at Ness North America grew from $2m to well over $100m with profitability growing multifold.

Previously, Mr. Kubersky held key leadership roles in developing business strategy for professional services firm, Syndesa, and national integrator, DIS Research. At Syndesa, a consultancy that helped companies deploy their business functions on the web, he was responsible for business development, sales and marketing. For DIS Research, he managed various systems integration business units across a wide array of vertical markets including financial services, manufacturing and healthcare.

“Joining a recognized global leader to raise marketplace awareness in North America represents a brilliant opportunity,” said David Kubersky, president of SimCorp USA. “With world class technology, backed by industry knowledge and a global support system second to none, I am confident that we can continue to elevate the brand in the minds of investment management professional in this all important market. We owe considerable thanks to Peter and his team for creating the foundation for SimCorp USA and providing so much forward momentum that this task will be just a bit easier.”

Mr. Kubersky received a Bachelor’s degree in East Asian Studies from New York University. He is a longtime resident of the New York metropolitan region and currently resides in Northern New Jersey with his family.

About SimCorp

SimCorp is a leading provider of highly specialized software and financial know-how for the financial sector. SimCorp has approximately 900 employees and is listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S. For more than 35 years, SimCorp has developed its product in close collaboration with a number of international financial institutions. The SimCorp system, SimCorp Dimension, is sold, implemented and supported from the head office in Copenhagen and subsidiaries in Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.

Edited by: Erin Kello

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