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Rating:Being Informed is the Best Weapon for Wholesalers Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Being Informed is the Best Weapon for Wholesalers

News summary by MFWire's editors

Asset management wholesalers that can deliver an informed opinion about their products are more likely to impact advisors' opinions in current market conditions, says a new study by kasina. Of the 107 advisors surveyed, 96 percent told the consulting firm that this skill, "at least somewhat impacts their transaction decisions."

Company Press Release

A recent kasina study suggests current economic woes may lead financial advisors to rely more heavily on asset manager leadership. As part of kasina’s ongoing research on intermediary distribution, kasina surveyed financial advisors to determine their assessment of current economic uncertainties.

With the subprime mortgage fallout undermining buyer confidence, the Consumer Sentiment index fell this January to its lowest point since 1992. Experts and laymen alike are questioning our economic future, and recent market volatility has echoed these concerns.

Not surprisingly, advisors are also affected by the waning consumer morale. While 41% of advisors think the economy is headed for recession, 34% are expecting a turnaround, and 26% are yet unsure. And even though less than half of advisors believe the US is stuck in a recession, more than half see the economy as their greatest fiduciary concern for the upcoming year. This uncertainty is echoed in advisor predictions for asset class performance. International equity garnered 29% of the confidence pool, with the remaining 71% diffused among the remaining asset classes.

However, in the midst of widespread division and uncertainty among advisors, the vast majority still rely on asset managers for support and service. An overwhelming 96% of advisors say that the ability of a fund company wholesaler to deliver an informed opinion at least somewhat impacts their transaction decisions.

These recent statistics show asset managers have the potential to hold sway over advisors now more than ever. In the current pessimistic climate, asset managers must communicate clarity and thought leadership through all outlets in the distribution organization.

About kasina

kasina's commitment to innovating distribution in the financial services industry has made it one of the most influential strategy consulting firms in its sector. kasina works with a wide variety of clients from five continents, including firms representing 90% of the U.S.'s total assets under management. An overview of services offered by kasina is available at www.kasina.com.  

Edited by: Erin Kello

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