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Rating:WSJ Spotlights Short List for SEC Jobs

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Monday, February 25, 2008

WSJ Spotlights Short List for SEC Jobs

by: Armie Margaret Lee

In last Friday's issue of The Wall Street Journal, Kara Scannell and Joann Lublin reported that the White House has come up with a short list of candidates to take on vacant posts at the SEC. The administration is interviewing candidates to nominate as a Republican commissioner, filling the spot that is expected to be vacated by Paul Atkins, whose term expires in the summer and is not expected to seek renomination. Citing anonymous sources, the report stated that the short list includes Douglas Cox, an appellate attorney at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher in Washington, D.C.; Steven Guyunn, an attorney in Gibson Dunn's New York office; Stuart Kaswell, an attorney at Dechert and Troy Paredes, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, two potential nominees are Luis Aguilar, a former general counsel at Invesco and now a lawyer in Atlanta, and Elisse Walter, a senior official at FINRA. The SEC currently operates with three Republican commissioners following the exit of two Democrats.  

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