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Rating:Bond Outlines ICI ETF Committee Agenda Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bond Outlines ICI ETF Committee Agenda

Reported by Erin Kello

The new ICI committee on ETFs headed up by PowerShares president and CEO Bruce Bond, has many issues on its plate to deal with this year.

"What will be on the agenda once we get the committee together are: exchange issues, trading issues and SEC issues." Bond told The MFWire.

Bruce Bond
PowerShares Capital Management
Founder, President and CEO
As for reports that a separate trade association outside the ICI may be needed to address all the issues facing the burgeoning ETF industry, Bond said that it can not be ruled out sometime down the road.

"The ICI can address certain things such as legal and lobbying issues," Bond said. He added that the separate trade association could do things like handle public relations for the industry as a whole. 

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