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Rating:Delaware Offers eDocuments Not Rated 4.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, January 11, 2002

Delaware Offers eDocuments

by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Delaware Investments has joined the ranks of fund firms offering electronic delivery of materials to investors. The new service is called Delaware eDelivery

DST Output is the technology provider for the service.

Investors will be able to sign up for this service at the firm's web site (at http://www.delawareinvestments.com/edelivery) or by phone.

"Our eDelivery service is a way for shareholders to simplify their lives, because they'll be able to reduce the amount of mail they receive," said Charles E. Haldeman, Jr, CEO. "And they will no longer have to worry about misplacing their financial paperwork, because it will all be available through their computers.

"It's an especially convenient feature because those shareholders who want printed copies of these documents can simply print the electronic version from their personal computer. If they need a printed copy, they can contact us and we will send them the materials they need," Haldeman explained. "They can receive some documents electronically and others through the mail, and if at any time they want to change that delivery combination, they can do so."  

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