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Rating:Fund Firms Seen To Chalk Up Rise in Q2 Profits Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, July 23, 2007

Fund Firms Seen To Chalk Up Rise in Q2 Profits

by: Erin Kello

Asset management firms scheduled to release numbers for the second quarter this week are expected to post increases in profits on the back of a rising stock market, The WSJ reports. T. Rowe Price, slated to come out with its Q2 results on Wednesday, is expected to report an EPS of 58 cents per share, compared with 49 cents last year. Also reporting Wednesday is Affiliated Managers Group, which Thompson analysts predict will report an EPS of $1.49 a share, compared with $1.30. Analysts also feel that AMG could be gearing up from more acquisitions, as the this strategy is part of its business model. Franklin, reporting Thursday , is expected to post an EPS of $1.80 a share, up from $1.41 a share in the same period last year. Another investment management firm reporting Thursday is Janus, which is predicted to report a 24 cent EPS, up from 15 cents last year.  

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