Fidelity Investments on Wednesday announced the launch of its research institute. The institute will issue reports on financial challenges facing Americans, collaborate with other institutions and host an annual conference.
Guy Patton, a 21-year Fidelity veteran, serves as executive director of the Fidelity Research Institute. Patton was most recently president of Fidelity Human Resources Services Company. Serving as managing director of research is
W. Van Harlow, Ph.D., who was previously president and chief investment officer of Fidelity Asset Management Services.
The institute will be governed by a nine-member board of directors composed of senior Fidelity officials, as well as an advisory board made up of 15 to 20 outside experts from various fields.
Also on Wednesday, Fidelity released the findings of the institute's first report, which delved into tax-wise retirement timing and asset management withdrawal strategies.
The report,
Beyond Conventional Wisdom: New Strategies for Lifetime Income, suggested that several Americans may be limiting total income by drawing on Social Security too early and could benefit from "bridge" strategies.
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